πŸ“ˆDEFS (Decentralized Economic Feedback System)

We have created an economic feedback system called DEFS (Decentralized Economic Feedback System), a decentralized automated system that revolutionizes the way oracles intervene in the process of stabilizing the economy, using chainlink data feed technologies and automated alerts. Through a balancing factor we can dynamically stabilize the variables involved in the economic system of Crypto Survivor, allowing the ecosystem to adapt to price changes, thus intervening in the different mechanisms of the game.

The variables involved in the DEFS are as follows: -Cost of minting survivors and vehicles with a variable rate from 15 USD to 45 USD in VZBL.

-Cost of special chests with a variable rate from 40 USD to 70 USD in VZBL.

-NFT market taxes with a variable rate from 5% to 25%.

-Survival kit discounts with a variable rate per NFT from 0.5 USD to 2 USD in VZBL. -Token taxes with a variable rate from 0% to 30%.

-Number of tokens in liquidity pool

-Total blocked value

-Number of tokens in the reward pool.

The DEFS protects users' rewards by maintaining a fixed dollar value of the profits obtained by defending zones. In addition, by intervening in the NFT market, it allows NFTs to be anchored to a dollar value, so that regardless of price variations, users will not have to unlist and re-list their NFTs, saving them money in commissions. In this way, the DEFS allows us to provide a sustainable economy, improving the profits of the investors while the reward pool is protected through the injection of these mechanisms, increasing the longevity of the project.

DEFS is the evolution of decentralized oracles applied to decentralized finance in the entertainment sector.

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